After that, he watches as Classic!Sans heads off to find Ink, though as he teleports back to warn the other two about his findings, Error captures them and ties up their SOULs in his strings after a remark from Underfell!Sans. Underfell!Sans goes on to describe his feelings while he was being controlled by Cross, but as he mentions XGaster, Underswap!Sans speaks up, claiming that he helped him fight the evil human, who was saying that one of them didn't have good intentions, though he claims that the "Sanses" would never do anything bad. Underswap!Sans says that his brother had never done anything like what he did in the previous episode, and that he had never seen him act so resigned, questioning if that was even his brother the whole time or if it was X-Event!Chara who made him become the way he acted. The former reassures him that what his brother was doing was for the better, and Underswap!Sans asks him if he would feel the same if his brother did the same thing to him, to which he replies that his brother isn't too nice. Underswap!Sans makes his first appearance in the episode alongside Underfell!Sans and Classic!Sans. In tears, Sans carries him over to Outertale, another safe pacifist timeline. He tries to convince Underswap!Papyrus to come with him, but feeling his distrust of Ink, he dares not to go, telling him everything will be back to normal. Once Sans is able to intercept X-Event!Chara's attacks, him, Underfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, and Underswap!Sans fires their Gaster Blasters straight at X-Event!Chara, but all blocked by Nightmare he kills Underswap!Chara afterwards.

Once he realizes, he's forced to kill X-Event!Chara, but his brother stops him, telling him they to remember their best timeline.

What Underswap!Sans didn't understand was that he was also harming Underswap!Chara in the process. X-Event!Chara pauses it for a moment, thinking he's talking to Cross, but isn't, and they head back with their battle. His belief to believe in someone is broken, and he completely goes all at war with X-Event!Chara. He's transformed into an amalgamate, and is used to battle it out with Ink before he's reverted back to himself. He tries to tell everyone to actually help Cross!Chara up, but only after they absorb almost all of Underswap!Chara did he started to question him. After Ink apologizes to Cross regarding his world's status, Underswap!Sans suggested that he needs a home, and welcome him, which Cross does by almost killing him, which was stopped by Underfell!Sans and Sans. Underswap!Chara heads over to where Underswap!Papyrus and Cross are, and by looking through Underswap!Sans does Cross gets familiar with his coding. He suggested that he went into the city, and as they all traverse there, he finds the queen, having been cut by Cross himself. However, they slip over Underswap!Sans's cape, spilling the paint, and that's where Ink!Sans goes through with Underfell!Sans and Classic!Sans.Ĭonfused at first, he recognizes Ink, and he explains that Cross might've went into his universe. First seen in the cliff-side looking over the city, Underswap!Sans and Underswap!Chara both unpack their belongings from the Underground, and he explains to Chara regarding those paint canisters.