From research level 2 onwards, they'll also be able to find three Torchic living together in one of the first Onix holes that they come to. Players will see it many more times as they make their way through the course, usually with Tepig and Shinx. Torchic - Torchic likes to hang out in the opening section near the Mandibuzz on the right.On the alternate route, there's an additional Crustle down to the player's right not too far from a Crystabloom. If players cause the boulder to fall, however, both will go into their shells and refuse to come back out. Crustle - There are a few Crustle in the opening section at research level 1 and they'll start fighting each other once players reach the next research level.From research level 2 onwards, there'll be a bunch more Minior near the huge at the end of the area with the poisonous gas. Doing so quickly will allow players to scan for access to an alternate route. Minior - Illuminating the Crystabloom near the start of the course will cause a Minior to crash down and knock the giant boulder into the geyser.At higher research levels, another Bandibuzz will briefly fly past players from right to left as they enter the area with the poisonous gas, but only if they scare away the two Mandibuzz near the start of the course by hitting them with Fluffruit. Once players reach research level two, they'll find one walking around near the Onix holes and will be able to feed it a Fluffruit for a nice photo opportunity if they're quick. Mandibuzz - There's a Mandibuzz stood on some rocks near the beginning of the course and many more flying around throughout.Hippowdon - If players turn to their left immediately after starting the course, they'll be able to see a Hippowdon off in the distance.If players take the alternate route, they'll be able to get a Diglett to show up on the pillar with the three Torchic by luring them all together with Fluffruit and then hitting them with an Illumina Orb.

There are more near the Onix holes too and a few near the course's exit. Diglett - There are Diglett all over the place in Badlands (Day), with many popping up in the early stages of the course.It shows up numerous times throughout, particularly at higher research levels. Tepig - Tepig is one of the first Pokemon that players will see upon entering the course.